Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year!
It is our commitment to provide the highest quality food and service possible as the cafeteria recognizes the strong relationship between nutrition and learning. We are working towards the same goal: to nourish and educate the hearts and minds of the children.  The bottom line is that we do what’s best for your kids and mine.

·         Charging of meals is not allowed; you can either prepay via a WolfPass (WP) account or send cash with your child. PAST OR NEW STUDENTS WITHOUT A 2013-2014 WP ACCOUNT WILL NEED CASH FOR PURCHASES
  • Breakfasts and lunches are available to all students and staff every day 
  • We make enough lunch of the day for everyone but it is first come first serve.  
  • There is plenty of other optional hot meals to choose from.  
  • Since Elementary School Lunch Break is AFTER High School Lunch if you want to reserve lunch of the day for your child just email/text/bb/whatsapp me before 10am on same day.  
  • We serve high quality, nutritious foods, made from scratch every day.
  • Serving Sizes are established according to age.
  • Prices are found at blog in each menu, and remain the same throughout the school year (unless the Lempira devalues over  L. 1.00).  Cost of items includes monthly expenses such as: Rent, Water, Electricity, Staff Payroll and Sanitizing Supplies; plus Purified Water and Cost of Food/Ingredients/Items.  
·         Meals are Healthy, Varied, Nutritious and Wholesome
·         Most Foods are Baked or Grilled
·         Menus are rotated every month 

Our staff is friendly, well trained and knows all kids by name! Our Service lines moves fast in order to give kids the time needed to eat

To keep your children Safe and Healthy all equipment and surfaces are sanitized every day.  Only Purified Water is used to cook

Call or email me in advance if your child has special dietary needs due to food allergies & intolerance. I’ll gladly try to modify any meal so your child can eat at school

You are invited to come any day to join your child at lunch so you can have firsthand knowledge regarding our fast service, friendliness of staff, quality and quantity of meals served

1.    CASH
            2.  WOLFPASS ACCOUNT: You pre-pay, the child buys and purchases are deducted from the balance.  ACCOUNTS MUST ALWAYS HAVE FUNDS FOR WEEKLY PURCHASES.  You will receive low balance update emails so you can send funds in suitable time.  
For those opening accounts for young children, send cash to the cafeteria in an envelope with child’s name, grade and quantity clearly marked on the outside.  Send bb, text message or email to notify me.  
Funds in the accounts are solely for purchasing at cafeteria. 
The student, parent or guardian cannot take money out of the account.
Cafeteria account balances are carried forward each school year.
All money remaining in your child's account on the last day of school will be your child's beginning balance the next school year.