Thursday, October 13, 2011


Cafeteria Staff is busy making "Nacatamales estilo Nicaraguense (Pork only)". They" ll be ready to deliver this Saturday. Order yours now. If you don't know what a Nacatamal is please see below for an explanation. We will be making Nacatamales every weekend as demand increases exponentially in this holiday season. The Honduran size Nacatamal is L.30 and the typical Nicaraguan size is L.50.
A nacatamal is a Nicaraguan tamal. They are much larger than the tamales typical of Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Nicaraguans eat nacatamales typically on Sunday morning with bread or coffee. They are also eaten during lunch or dinner any time of the week. Nacatamales tied in plantain leaves ready to be steamed. A nacatamal consists of dough (masa) (made from nixtamalized corn flour, milk and lard mixed with sliced potatoes, green peppers, onions, garlic, salt and spices) and a filling (relleno) consisting of pork or chicken, tomatoes, rice, garlic, onions, potatoes, and mint leaves. The filling may also include olives, raisins or fresh chile. It is wrapped in plantain leaves to give it a unique flavor, tied, and then steamed or pressure cooked for several hours. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia