§ Stock your refrigerator with ready to eat
fruits and vegetables—fresh, frozen, or canned. If buying canned veggies,
keep your heart healthy by assuring no sodium is added. If stalking up on
canned fruit, buy items without added sugar or syrup that will add unwanted
calories. When possible choose cans foods without BPA.
§ Prepare fruits and veggies in an eye
catching way: Studies show that children
eat more of them when served in a beautiful and interesting way.
§ Turn off the TV. Watching TV distracts families from enjoying healthier
activities that exercise the muscles and the mind.
§ Clean and sanitize your refrigerator
regularly. Having a clean refrigerator reduces the risk of contaminated food.
§ Find healthy ways to reward your children
for a job well done, like stickers or time together, instead of cookies or
candy. Rewarding good behavior with food is related to being
overweight later.
§ Be a good example. Model healthy behaviors like eating breakfast and including
fruits and vegetables at all of your meals.
Serving Our Children Healthy, Nutritious, Wholesome, Safe and Appetizing Foods in a Friendly Atmosphere.